Support for Adult Clients
As a psychologist and addictions counsellor, I provide knowledgeable specialist assessment, support, and practical guidance to individual adults. The support I offer varies depending on your goals, and my priority is on meeting the needs and building up the strengths of those who come to me.
It is easy to find yourself having developed patterns of behaviour and thinking that are difficult for you to understand and respond effectively to, and factors such as emotional dysregulation, trauma or serious communication difficulties may mean that each day becomes an uphill battle. In my practice, I embody the principles of ako and awhi. Ako means to learn from the learner in a reciprocal learning relationship, where both the client and I bring key knowledge into each session that allows for greater understanding. This is a core element in developing insight and paving the way for sustainable interventions and learning to communicate in a way that allows them to progress towards and achieve their goals.
Support for students
I offer assessment, evaluation, and practicable, sustainable interventions for both secondary and tertiary school students. Students, parents or caregivers are welcome to contact me directly. I work with educators, counsellors, parents, whanau, school management, school groups and students themselves.
I have many years of experience as a teacher/kaiako in New Zealand primary and secondary schools, as well as eleven further years of experience as a RTLB (Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour). I have been a practising psychologist with an educational scope since 2018.
I provide:
- One-off consultations.
- Reduced fees ($140/session) for four individual student counselling sessions.
- Ongoing support.
Support offered includes:
- Academic support.
- Behavioural and emotional support, assessment, evaluation and referral.
- Individualised assessments and evaluations, with referral if indicated.
- Crisis intervention and support.
- Collaboration and consultation.
- Prevention and early intervention.
- LGBTQI+ support.
I am offering clinical supervision to educators, psychologists, and other health- or education-based professionals. The fee for this will be $180 per hour, which is inclusive of resources and follow-up.
Individual support
Frequently, people may be able to identify a concerning pattern in their own behaviours, but they struggle to manage and overcome these patterns alone. This is where a psychologist can really help, by clarifying what these patterns may indicate and working with the client on how best to respond to these in manageable, sustainable ways.
I provide coaching and guidance related to identifying personal strengths and work or life goals. I use evidence-based methods to address and collaboratively resolve the issues facing my clients. Support includes assessment and treatment, recommendations, ongoing referral, and interventions as agreed upon.
I work with individual adult clients who are experiencing problems with:
- Anxiety.
- Low mood or depression.
- Mental health concerns.
- Sexual abuse.
- Self harm.
- Addiction, dependence, use and overuse in regards to alcohol and drugs.
- Overuse and dependence behaviours related to technology (gaming, cellphones, computers, etc).
- Choices and challenges needing guidance.
- Creating and maintaining a sustainable work/life balance.
Addictions and mental health
In addition to being a psychologist, I am trained in Addiction Studies and have experience providing counselling in this field as a registered Addictions Counsellor.
Addictions assessment and treatment includes:
- Addiction, dependance, use and overuse of alcohol and other drugs.
- Behavioural addictions: overuse and dependent behaviours related to technology (gaming, cellphones or computers).